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Bunches Slowdance®

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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That inner world we visit nightly, a place populated with elements of the familiar, but also, the wholly unfamiliar, operates with a logic all its own, our dreams often speaking to us through the veil of metaphor. And though they may, at times, seem too ephemeral for us to grasp, really, when subjected to analysis, our dreams can provide an enormously revealing window into the unconscious. After all, it is said that dreaming is the art of the mind . . .

Should a banana appear to you within your dreams, there are a variety of meanings it may suggest. Bananas are recognized as a symbol of prosperity; to dream of eating a banana signals that positive opportunities will soon fill your waking life. 

Bananas also represent mental agility: eating them in a dream indicates that you are poised to reach new intellectual heights.

Should you dream not of eating, but of peeling a banana, you may be entering a phase of unprecedented self-discovery; perhaps, too, you will find your entire world-view reinvigorated.

And finally, bananas, particularly bunches of bananas, convey abundance; to dream of many, many bananas is a call to embrace all that life has to offer . . .

‘Bunches’ features our Mexico 70% dark chocolate with Manzano banana overlay; its flavor profile—of cherimoya, pineapple, and coffee—is like a dream spilling over into life.

Slowdance® brings together two passions: our chocolate is paired with a select complementary ingredient, then cave-aged for one year. Over time, something romantic is unleashed: in a shimmering, delicate swirl; a spirited, lively dip; or a smooth, sensual curve—flavor dances on your tongue.

Ingredients Cacao, cane sugar, Manzano bananas

Allergen Free of egg, gluten, milk, nuts, soy, wheat

Net Weight 70 g