Smokin' Slowdance®
It is a tendency of ours to pace our days to specific, ritualized behaviors. These acts are not defined by the matter of their repetition alone; rather, what distinguishes them centers upon the reverence devoted to their undertaking, the sense of intentionality with which they are infused.
Primary amongst these are the practices attendant to our consumption of tea, practices which seem to reach at once toward the infinite (distilling as they do millennia of tea-drinking history), whilst remaining bound intrinsically to the sensorial realm.
It begins with the soft hiss of the kettle, a signal that ushers us toward a slower, more deliberate way of being. We observe the tea across the moments of its steeping—the nuances of its aroma, for example, or how it takes on a certain quality of light, as if illuminated from within. Finally, sitting with two hands cupped around a vessel of steaming liquid asks that we embody a space of quietude and reflection; what comes to pass, quite often, is an experience seemingly apart from time, one that touches on the transcendent.
So inspired, we bring forth Smokin’, which pairs Iribancha (a late-harvest green tea, here making a rare appearance beyond its native Kyoto) with our Hispaniola dark. The resulting chocolate summons the very methods which go into the making of Iribancha itself, whereby the assortment of leaves, stems, and twigs that remain on the tea tree after its first harvest are gathered, then treated to a long, high-temperature roasting. The richly-fragranced notes of this process—bonfire and pine resin—re-appear in our bar, harmonizing to lush, distinctive effect.
Slowdance® brings together two passions: our chocolate is paired with a select complementary ingredient, then cave-aged for one year. Over time, something romantic is unleashed: in a shimmering, delicate swirl; a spirited, lively dip; or a smooth, sensual curve—flavor dances on your tongue.
Flavor Profile Walnut, caramel, tart cherry with Iribancha tea overlay
Ingredients Cacao, cane sugar, Iribancha tea leaves
Allergen Free of egg, gluten, milk, nuts, soy, wheat
Net Weight 50 g